Computational and Empirical Resources
Please email me if you find any of this useful or have any questions. I've had many wonderful people help me in the lab and with R over the years and am more than happy to pay it forward where I can.
Intro to R workshop
A 2 hour workshop that draws heavily upon this excellent website maintained by Dr. Dolph Schluter at UBC. The examples are fairly specific to the work we do in our lab (the RawData file is the output of a growth curve experiment, for example) but the code might be useful to anyone looking for a quick introduction to R.
R scripts: 1Vectors 2ManagingData 3Plotting
datafiles: john_data.csv RawData.txt
R cheatsheets:
Base R - How big is your graph
Machine learning in R
Online tutorials and workshops
Interactive data visualization in python with bokeh (link)
Carpentry Instructor wrap-up-doc (pdf)
Basic lab protocols & accompanying analysis scripts
Bioscreen protocol for growth rate (pdf) and R script used to calculate growth rate (.R)
Flow prep for ploidy in S. cerevisiae (pdf) and C. albicans (pdf)
Competitive fitness by flow cytometry (directly from Gerstein et. al 2012) (pdf) and R script (.R)
Statistics Funtimes
Ben Bolker and others GLMM FAQ